Professor at Leiden University

Chenika Desch Bailey

Research intern


I am a third year psychology undergraduate student at the University of Bath completing a research placement at Leiden University under the supervision of Dr. Mariska Kret.

The aim of this placement is to complete a research project investigating the evolutionary origins of art and aesthetics which is currently in the early stages of development. This is a novel and interdisciplinary project carried out in collaboration with archeologist Dr. Larissa Straffon, social psychologist Dr. Gosia Gocłowska and Dr. Mariska Kret who each bring expertise in their respective fields.

I am also assisting with the data collection of projects taking place at Leiden University and Apenheul Zoo focused primarily on mimicry. This provides an excellent opportunity for me to gain valuable research experience and I am excited to learn as much as I can this year and apply this knowledge when I return to England to complete the final year of my undergraduate degree.

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