
Kiki Spoelstra, M.Sc.

PhD student

Kiki obtained her B.Sc. degree in Biology (major Behaviour and Neurosciences) from the University of Groningen. After a two-year sidestep studying Photography at HKU University of Arts in Utrecht, she decided to move to Linköping, Sweden to pursue her Master’s degree in Applied Ethology and Animal Biology. After receiving her M.Sc. degree in 2020, she started working at Ouwehand Zoo in Rhenen, the Netherlands. Here, she has focused on studying behaviour in many different animal species, ranging from Malayan sun bears to gorillas.

Although she enjoys studying a broad range of animal species, Kiki is especially passionate about carnivores and how they perceive the world around them. In August 2023, she will start her PhD project during which she will explore the topic of social cognition in big cats.

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Professor at Leiden University