Professor at Leiden University


Members of the lab

Prof. Mariska Kret

Principal investigator


Eliska Prochazkova, PhD

Postdoctoral researcher

2021 - Present

Evania Fasya, M.Sc.

PhD student

2020 - Present

Tonko Zijlstra, M.Sc.

PhD student

2019 - present

Chris Riddell, M.Sc.

PhD student

2020 - present

Fabiola Diana, M.Sc.

PhD student

2019 - present

Iliana Samara, PhD


2024 - present

Julia Folz, M.Sc.

PhD student

2019 - present

Tom Roth, M.Sc.

PhD student

2019 - present

Anouschka van Dijk, M.Sc.

PhD student

2021 - present

Rüya Akdag, M.Sc.

PhD student

2022 - present

Kiki Spoelstra, M.Sc.

PhD student

2023 - present

Diego Arize, M.Sc.

Software engineer

2023 - present

Kia Radovanovic, M.Sc.

Research assistant

2023 - present

Karlijn van Heijst, M.Sc.

Research assistant

2021 - present

Max Boot, M.Sc.

Research assistant

2024 - present

Iza Korsmit, Dr.


2024 - present

Aperture: 18
Camera: Canon EOS 60D
Iso: 400
Orientation: 1
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Assistant Professor
Jorg Massen (2018-2019). Jorg is now an assistant professor in Utrecht.

Amandine Lassalle (2018-2019)
Milica Nikolic (2019-2021) Milica is now an assistant professor at the UvA.
Jingzhi Tan (2019-2021)
Wouter Boekel (2019-2021)
Yena Kim (2019-2023)
Larissa Mendoza Straffon (2019-2032)
Marcello Gómez-Maureira (2022-2023)
Juan Olvido Perea-García (2022-2024)

PhD students
Xuejing Du (2017-2019)
Katharina Wehebrink (2016-2020)
Friederike Behrens (2015-2020)
Evy van Berlo (2016-2021)
Brenda de Groot (2020-2022)

Research assistants
Laura Verkade (2023)
Linda Jaasma (2014-2018)
Maarten Struijk (2018-2021)
Kavel Ozturk (2021)
Sophia Bremo (202-2022)
Roman Akyüz (2021-2022)
Lil Muxoll Nielsen (2011)
Jaime Derks (2014)
Jeroen Gomes (2014)
Christina Diatchkova (2014)
Simon Piest (2014)
Lisanne de Vogel (2017)
Stijn van Mierlo (2008-2011)
Siebe Dobbelaar (2008-2011)
Ibrahim Topraki (2009-2010)
Anton Diepenhorst (2010-2011)
Marlon Goos (2011)

International visitors
Francois Quesque, France (2017-2019, multiple visits as IBRO-laureate)
Oscar E. Juarez-Mora, M.Sc., Mexico (2018-2019, 3 months)
Alejandra P. Díaz-Loyo, M.Sc., Mexico (2018-2019, 3 months)
Zahida Iqbal, M.Sc., Pakistan (Hunan University of Science and Technology,  Hunan, China, 1 month)
Stephanie van der Donck, Ph.D., Belgium (2021, 1 month)
Clemens von Wulffen, M.Sc., Universität Zürich (2022, 3 months)
Prof.dr. Akihiro Tanaka (2018; 2020; 2023, 2 months each)
Lucrezia Lonardo (2023, 9 months)

Master students
Siebe Dobbelaar (2010)
Tessie de Ponti (2010)
Jolien van Breen (2012)
Ting Yat Wong (2012-2013)
Simon Piest (2013-2014)
Willemijn van Woerkom (2013)
Josje de Valk (2013)
Benedetta Romano (2013)
Leonie Duehlmeijer (2013)
Gabbriela d’Ambrosio (2014)
Mate Bulath (2013-2014)
Simon Lüdtke (2014)
Kyra Lubbers (2014)
Christina Diatchkova (2013-2014)
Rianne van Rooijen (2013-2014)
Eliska Prochazkova (2015)
Luisa Prochazkova (2015)
Floor Pino (2017)
Iliana Samara (2017)
Xuejing Du (2017)
Anne Wagner (2017)
Barry Smith (2017)
Daan Laméris (2017)
Joyce Snijdewindt (2017)
Omar Cherkaoui (2017)
Petra Boeree (2017)
Susanne Ottenheym (2017)
Anna Moczynski (2018)
Marjolijn Wijnen (2018)
Jeffrey Binnenkamp (2018)
Daan Laméris (2018)
Jeffrey Binnekamp
Marjolijn Wijnen
Eliwra Halgas (2019, under the supervision of Maarten Struijk)
Simon Walkenhorst (2021)
Maxime Postema (2021)
Rachel Embleton (2021)
Dianne Venneker (2018)
Donatella Fiacchino (2019)
Busra Duran (2018, with Erasmus)
Sanni Lehtonen (2019)
Anna Matsulevits (2022)
Annika Frach (2022)
Rachel Embleton (2022)
Maxime Postema (2022)
Simon Walkenhorst (2022)
Kia Radovanovic (2023)

Bachelor students
Aslihan Ikizoglu (2014)
Jori Noordenbos (2015)
Sophia Schoderer (2016)
Tessel Derckx (2016)
Anissa van de Bilt (2017)
Belle Blankevoort (2017)
Lisa Bloks (2017)
Zhengbang Deng (or: Bond) (2017)
Femke de Graaf (2017)
Garmen (2017)
Freek Soetermeer (2017)
Gusta Vellenga (2017)
Daniëlle Stibbe (2018)
Lisanne de Vogel (2018)
Nadia van Silfhout (2018)
David Eleveld (2018)
Marisha Meijer (2018)
Sara Domburg (2018)
Laura van Toor (2018)
Georgie Agnew (2018-2019, 9 months, from Bath University, university exchange program)
Chenika Desch Bailey (2018-2019, 9 months, from Bath University, university exchange program)
Beyza Nur Samur (2019)
Semih Ozsoy (2019)
Sonja Lyn (2019)
Lea Stephany (2019, under the supervision of Friederiek Behrens)
Alex Zomer (2019, under the supervision of Amandine Lassalle)
Ruya Akdag  (2019, under the supervision of Julia Folz)
Şevval Büyükizgi (2020)
Yagmur Damla Senturk (2020)
Nazli Pehlivan (2020)
Gökhan Karabulut (2020)
Edanur Aleyna Güngör (2021)
Begum Simitli (2021)
Yusa Algur (2021)
Ömer Altiparmak (2021)

If you are an alumnus but not listed, please send me an email!